Friday October 21th
It was the last day for all the participant countries in
Litvania/Squodas. All the teams were a bit sad for leaving from this nice
country and friendly people. In the last day the stundent cerated their
magazines in a team workshop. The results were nice. After the brain battle
about Europian languages and culture all the teams had been in lunch break and
they’ve prepeared themselves for the
farewell party. İn the party they had a chance to taste
something from Litvanian cuisine. İn the
party they’ve enjoyed to dance with Litvanian folk music. At the end
of the party all the teams had taken their certificates from Litvanian teachers. Everyone in the
party were excited beuse of being together, they were happy for being ın
Litvania in that week. İt was farewelll
but They’ve gained deep friendships at all.
İn the last day the teacher of Turkish team “Erinç Büyükaşık” had a
chance to give lesson to Litvanian studens on Turkish literature and language.
He was so excited to have chance like that.