Thursday, 24 November 2016

Creative writing task 2

For this assignment you are to write a letter to your future self. You might write about yourself now (what you like/dislike, what you think, what you do, people in your life etc.) and make predictions about your future (your hopes, fears, plans etc). You must also include 3 questions. The assignment must be 10, 15 lines long.


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Saturday, 12 November 2016

Creative writing competition - task 1

During the second project year we have a creative writing competition for all students. They will complete a total of 10 creative writing tasks and the submitted pieces will be assessed according to jointly created assessment grid. The best pieces are regularly published and at the end of the year there will be both national and project-level winners.

Task 1:
 First Name Poem
Write a poem about yourself. The first letters of the lines must produce your first name. You can use adjectives only and linking words like and, but, etc. or adverbs like sometimes, never, mainly etc.

We have received lots of poems and selected the top 16 poems. All the writing assignments are assessed by the partner countries using a jointly- created  assessment grid.
The best pieces of the first round:

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