Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Student exchange in Hungary - Day 3

13th April Wednesday started as an ordinary school day-at 8 in the morning. But activities done during a day were not the same you used to do at school. Firstly students had 2 lessons together with other Hungarian students. They attended Hungarian Literature, English and Italian lessons. They took part in interesting activities. In the literature class, each country had to create a short poem in their native language about colours based on a poem by a Hungarian poet, Kosztolányi Dezső.
In the English lessons they practised some grammar using tense maps and the method of "gamification".
Later we had a drama workshop with two energetic leaders which helped to know each other better. Acting, creating, communicating tasks followed one after another connecting participants to a nice team.
After a short lunch break we continued with the workshops on reader. Divided into international groups students played board games which they had made at home in advance.
Later they took a test on Canterville Ghost on Kahoot platform. That was the most exciting moment of the day as it showed that reading and learning can be really fun. At the end of a hard-working day students learned how to create an online book working with Cliptomize. Using this program you can upload your photos, write your own texts and choose between hundreds of free backgrounds. Later you can share your book with others or make it private.
After the long hard-working say, the students spent the afternoon and the evening with their hosts. Written by the Lithuanian team.

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